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[Social Impact 101] Going Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility: How to Foster Genuine Community Engagement

Written by Team Deed | 6/2/22 4:00 AM

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a buzzword in recent years, with companies pledging to support social and environmental causes. While CSR is a step in the right direction, it often falls short of genuine community engagement. Many companies see CSR as a way to improve their image, rather than making a real difference in their communities. In this article, we will explore how companies can go beyond CSR and foster genuine community engagement.


First, it is essential to understand the difference between CSR and community engagement. CSR is about mitigating negative impacts and fulfilling social and environmental responsibilities. Community engagement, on the other hand, is about building meaningful relationships with the community and working collaboratively to create positive change. While CSR is important, it is only one aspect of community engagement.


One way companies can foster genuine community engagement is by involving the community in decision-making processes. This means listening to community members, understanding their needs and concerns, and incorporating their feedback into decision-making. By involving the community in decision-making, companies can build trust and create a sense of ownership among community members.


Another way to foster genuine community engagement is by investing in the community. This can mean supporting local businesses, funding community projects, or donating to local charities. Investing in the community shows that the company is committed to the well-being of the community beyond its own bottom line. By investing in the community, companies can build long-lasting relationships and create a positive impact.


Collaboration is another key aspect of community engagement. Companies can collaborate with community organizations, nonprofits, and other stakeholders to create positive change. By working together, companies can leverage their resources and expertise to make a greater impact. Collaboration also helps companies better understand the needs and concerns of the community, and fosters a sense of shared responsibility for creating positive change.


Communication is also critical to fostering genuine community engagement. Companies need to communicate transparently and authentically with the community. This means being honest about their intentions, goals, and limitations. It also means acknowledging mistakes and taking responsibility for them. By communicating openly and honestly, companies can build trust and credibility with the community.


Finally, companies need to commit to long-term engagement with the community. Genuine community engagement is not a one-time event or a short-term campaign. It requires a sustained effort to build relationships, understand community needs, and create positive change. Companies need to be committed to the community for the long haul, even when it is not easy or convenient.


In conclusion, going beyond CSR and fostering genuine community engagement requires a holistic approach. Companies need to involve the community in decision-making, invest in the community, collaborate with stakeholders, communicate transparently, and commit to long-term engagement. By doing so, companies can build meaningful relationships with the community and create positive change that benefits everyone. Genuine community engagement is not just good for the community, it is also good for business. Companies that are genuinely engaged with their communities are more likely to have loyal customers, engaged employees, and a positive reputation.


How to foster genuine community engagement


Deed is a workplace giving and volunteering platform that puts people first, because user experience shouldn’t stand between you and doing good. We foster genuine human connection across departments and time zones by empowering employees to support causes they care about together, both in-person and online. Ready to build an authentic workplace  community?