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[Social Impact 101] Beyond the Buzzwords: Strategies for Building a Truly Inclusive Workplace at Fortune 500 Companies

Written by Team Deed | 5/18/22 4:00 AM

Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) has become a buzzword in the corporate world in recent years, with many companies claiming to value diversity and prioritize inclusion in their workplaces. However, creating a truly inclusive workplace requires more than just lip service. It requires concrete strategies and intentional actions that prioritize the needs of diverse employees and ensure that everyone feels valued and included.


Fortune 500 companies have a unique responsibility to create inclusive workplaces due to their significant size and influence. Here are some strategies that Fortune 500 companies can implement to build a truly inclusive workplace:


Diversify Recruitment and Hiring Processes


To create a diverse and inclusive workplace, companies must start by diversifying their recruitment and hiring processes. This means actively seeking out candidates from underrepresented groups and eliminating biases from the recruitment process. Companies can achieve this by reviewing job descriptions for gendered language, implementing blind resume screening, and utilizing a diverse range of recruitment channels.


Provide Ongoing DEIB Training


Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging training is essential for creating a workplace culture that values and prioritizes the needs of all employees. This training should not be a one-time event but rather an ongoing process that is regularly updated to reflect current best practices. The training should be mandatory for all employees, including senior leaders, and should focus on topics such as unconscious bias, micro-aggressions, and how to create an inclusive workplace culture.


Create Employee Resource Groups


Employee resource groups (ERGs) are a great way to foster a sense of community and support for employees from diverse backgrounds. ERGs can provide a safe space for employees to share their experiences and provide feedback on workplace policies and practices. Companies can support ERGs by providing funding, resources, and leadership support.


Promote Inclusive Leadership


Leadership plays a crucial role in creating an inclusive workplace culture. Senior leaders must prioritize diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in all aspects of their work, from recruitment and hiring to workplace policies and practices. Companies can promote inclusive leadership by providing training and coaching for leaders, setting diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging goals, and holding leaders accountable for meeting those goals.


Offer Flexible Work Arrangements


Offering flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible schedules, can help support employees with diverse needs. For example, employees with disabilities may require accommodations to perform their jobs, and flexible work arrangements can make it easier for them to do so. Additionally, employees with caregiving responsibilities may benefit from flexible work arrangements that allow them to balance work and home responsibilities.


Implement Inclusive Workplace Policies


Inclusive workplace policies are essential for creating a workplace culture that values and supports all employees. These policies can include things like parental leave, healthcare benefits that cover gender-affirming care, and accommodations for employees with disabilities. Companies can create these policies by conducting employee surveys and focus groups to understand the needs of their diverse workforce.


In conclusion, creating a truly inclusive workplace requires intentional actions and strategies that prioritize the needs of diverse employees. Fortune 500 companies have a unique responsibility to lead the way in creating inclusive workplaces. By diversifying recruitment and hiring processes, providing ongoing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging training, creating employee resource groups, promoting inclusive leadership, offering flexible work arrangements, and implementing inclusive workplace policies, these companies can create workplaces that value and support all employees.


How social impact tech is improving inclusion at the Fortune 500


Deed helps CSR and DEIB teams alike to centralize all their programming, from emergency fundraisers to fun volunteering events, and engage diverse employee resource groups, with the data and insights they need to drive engagement. We foster genuine human connection across departments and time zones by empowering employees to support causes they care about together, both in-person and online. Ready to make a difference?