Introducing Vantage, Deed's Monthly Newsletter
Do you remember who said that “justice is a kind of efficiency”? This is especially true in business today, but we’ll tell you in a minute. First, we want to welcome you to Vantage, Deed’s monthly newsletter.
When the news broke that the international community would have to ramp up its efforts by a factor of five in order to meet most of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, experts began to reassess the role industry should play in creating a more equitable world. We know for certain that our employees have many, many great ideas to that end—and we need their help. To give them the autonomy they need to steer our companies in a more socially and environmentally sustainable direction, we need to do all we can to create a workplace culture that encourages them to follow their passions on and off the clock.
Thankfully, we are learning how to leverage technology to build community through giving and volunteerism in a way that fosters a greater sense of collective responsibility. With the right combination of tech and ideas, we believe we can transform togetherness itself into a catalyst for greater environmental, social, and corporate impact.
From climate change to the wealth gap, business leaders today face countless issues of great ethical and fiduciary complexity. Failure to act will mean real consequences for our triple bottom line (that’s people, planet, and profit). To craft a strategy that can be activated to meet urgent needs, and still prepare our companies for the long journey ahead, we’ll need both insight and foresight.
Vantage offers both. Once a month, you will receive:
- curated industry news and media
- opportunities to share your time, money, and skills with nonprofits who need them
- invitations to exciting community events
- the latest updates on Deed, from product highlights to new services
- plus, our thoughts on what the future of responsible business will look like

Vantage debuts in October, and we are so excited to know you’ll be reading. At Deed, we want to open up our community to new ideas, conversations, and opportunities to do good. Thank you for being here.
P.S. It was the American ethicist John Rawls who wrote that justice is a kind of efficiency. That was in 1958, but Rawls’ ideas are still being played out in the data today. A recent NYU study found that companies who commit to justice through ESG initiatives are making the most cost-effective use of their resources. Learn how your business can, too.